International Program Committee (IPC)

International Program Committee (IPC)

Dmitry Ivanov

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dmitry Ivanov (DE)

IPC Chair | Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin)

Photo of Benoit Iung

Prof. Benoit Iung (FR)

IPC Co-Chair | Lorraine University

Daniel Valtiner

Dr. Daniel Valtiner (AT)

IPC Vice-Chair from Industry | Infineon Technologies Austria AG

Fazel Ansari (AT)Oleg Gusikhin (US)Carlos Eduardo Pereira (BR)
Julia Arlinghaus (DE)Eric Grosse (DE)Francois Peres (FR)
Aitor Arnaiz (ES)Franz Haas (AT) Andreas Pichler (AT)
Armand Baboli (FR)Simon Harst (DE) Rudolf Pichler (AT)
Natalia Bakhtadze (RU)Michael Henke (DE) Roberto Pinto (IT)
Zbigniew Banaszak (PL)Ali Hessami (UK) Li Qing (CN)
Ahmad Barari (CA)René Hofmann (AT) Ricardo Rabelo (BR)
Olga Battaïa (FR)Steffen Ihlenfeldt (DE)Erwin Rauch (IT)
Daria Battini (IT)Benoît Iung (FR)Oliver Riedel (DE)
Lyes Benyoucef (FR)Dmitry Ivanov (DE)Evren Sahin (FR)
Friedrich Bleicher (AT) Stefan Jakubek (AT)Benjamin Schleich (DE)
Theodor Borangiu (RO)Ricardo Jardim-Goncalves (PT)Sebastian Schlund (AT)
Mathias Brandstötter (AT)Dimitris Kiritsis (CH)Ulrich Seidenberg (DE)
Robert Brennan (CA)Bálint Kiss (HU)Suresh Sethi (US)
Johannes Buyel (AT) Lenny Koh (UK)Fabio Sgarbossa (NO)
Luis M. Camarinha-Matos  (PT)Peter Kopacek (AT)Wilfried Sihn (AT)
Jason Choi (UK)Peter Korondi (HU)José Reinaldo Silva (BR)
George  Chryssolouris (GR)Gabriele Kotsis (AT)Alexander Smirnov (RU)
Donatella Corti (CH) Karl Kruusamäe (EE) Boris Sokolov (RU)
Xavier Delorme (FR)Wilfried Kubinger (AT)Kathryn E. Stecke (US)
Jochen Deuse (AU) Bernd Kuhlenkötter (DE) Gabor Sziebig (NR)
Christian Diedrich (DE) Andrew Kusiak (US)Janusz Szpytko (PL)
Franz Dietrich (DE)Jay Lee (US)Shozo Takata (JP)
Alexandre Dolgui (FR)Eric Luters (NL) Sebastian Thiede (NL)
Schahram Dustdar (AT)Marco Macchi (IT)Manoj K Tiwari (IN)
Eva Eggeling (AT) Kurt Matyas (AT) Fernando Torres (ES)
Stefanie Elgeti (AT)István Mezgár (HU)Damien Trentesaux (FR)
Christos Emmanouilidis (UK)Florian Michahelles (AT) Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki  (BR)
John Ahmet Erkoyuncu (UK)Arturo Molina (MX)Yasushi Umeda (JP)
Selim Erol (AT)László Monostori (HU)József Váncza (HU)
Florin Gheorghe Filip (RO)Dimitris Mourtzis (GR)François Vernadat (FR)
Olga Fink (CH)Inka Müller (DE) Lihui Wang (SE)
Emmanuel Francalanza (MT) Aydin Nassehi (UK)Georg Weichhart (AT)
Enzo Morosini Frazzon (BR)Ovidiu Noran (AU)Robert Weidner (AT)
Michael Freitag (DE)Angel Ortiz (ES)Marek Zaremba (CA)
Georg Frey (DE)Antonio Padovano (IT) Alois Zoitl (AT)
Robert Gao (US) Herve Panetto (FR)Detlef Zuehlke (DE)
Detlef Gerhard (DE) Ajith Kumar Parlikad (UK)
Manfred Grafinger (AT)Anatol Pashkevich (FR)

Sponsoring IFAC’s Coordinating Committee (CC) and Technical Committees (TC)


The following IFAC’s Coordinating Committee (CC) and Technical Committees (TC) sponsor INCOM 2024.


Main Sponsoring CC: CC 5. Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Enterprises

Main sponsoring TCs:

  • TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control
  • TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics
  • TC 5.3. Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems (I2ES)
  • TC 5.4. Large Scale Complex Systems