type writed with a piece of paper

Conference Publications

Conference Publications


Preprints are the collection of accepted papers produced prior to the conference for distribution at the conference in electronic form. Preprints provide easy access for participants to papers before or during the conference. Preprints are provided solely for the conference participants, included as part of the registration fee. Preprints are not a publication.

To get access to the preprints, download the app and create an account to join the community!

How to download:
Google Play Store: bit.ly/3lazFjx
Apple Store: 
Web version: ifac.floq.live



The INCOM 2024 proceedings is edited by Prof. Fazel Ansari and Prof. Sebastian Schlund and will be published as volume 58, number 19, of IFAC-PapersOnline. Further information will be provided soon.

Proceedings are the final collection of papers. Proceedings are produced after the conference. Proceedings are the only way in which papers from IFAC meetings are published.

Proceedings from all IFAC conferences are published by IFAC, in cooperation with the IFAC publisher, on the IFAC-PapersOnLine site and will be citable via an ISSN and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), a unique industry-standard identifier assigned to every paper.